

Volunteers report - Tana river


The weekend of the 1st and 2nd of February, a team of five, Colin Jackson, Lennox Kirao, Albert Baya, Dan Kazungu and Jack Hodgson, set off from Watamu to the Tana River delta to take part in the 2025 National waterbird count. After collecting some special dawa (a cup of coffee) for Albert in Malindi we were on our way, stopping for two hours to do some bird atlassing in a place that Albert had been nine years previously.  

Arriving at the mangroves, we carried all our kit and supplies across a very muddy lake to the local community’s boat jetty, where we were told a boat would be to take us to the lodge. However, upon arrival we found no boat, so to kill some time Colin brought out his fishing rod. The rest of the team set about to trying to catch some small mud fish to use as bait. Four mud fish were successfully caught, unfortunately the main goal of catching a fish for dinner was not as successful. The boat finally arrived and so after grabbing all our stuff we were soon on our way.  We started the trip enjoying a nice cruise up the river to the abandoned lodge we would be camping at. Making it to the lodge and setting up camp we were blessed with a lovely sunset over the sand dunes. On the first night our main chef Kirao prepared us some lovely Ugali and Sukuma for dinner as well as surprising us with some fish he had stashed away.  After the delicious meal, the Ugali made us very sleepy and so we all went off and got some sleep before our early start the next morning. 


It was an early start on Sunday with a long day of counting ahead of us, we were greeted with a beautiful sunrise as we set off into the delta. On our way to the start of the river section we spotted a lone Topi and found our path blocked by a bridge. Fortunately, another boat was waiting on the other side that would take us straight to the river as the original dam separating the fresh and saltwater sections had been eroded through. This meant to Colin and Kirao’s surprise this year we didn’t have to set about heaving and shoving the boat through the mudflats to get to the river. The day consisted of traveling from section to section around the Tana delta stopping at points to get out to count the birds in the area. During the other times we cruised about the delta with Colin and Albert counting the right-hand side and Kirao and Dan the left-hand side. At one point our path had been blocked yet again but this time by a herd of hippos stopping us from heading down our intended channel. We were forced to climb out of the boat and wait for them to move, but to our surprise we watched as our two boat captains went speeding towards the hippos with their arms flailing and managed to clear them from our path.


We continued counting the vast plains filled with birds from the small Common Sandpipers and Little Stints to the large Goliath Herons and Fish Eagles that patrolled the skies above. We stopped for lunch sheltering from the sun under a tree that was filled with Carmine Beaters and a Malindi Pipit, were also surrounded by cattle who were ever curious about what food we had for our picnic. Once our energy supplies had been replenished with some sweet potatoes and peanut butter sandwiches, we set off again. Coming towards the end of the floodplains filled with thousands of Cattle Egrets and SpurWinged Plovers, the scenery changed, and the riverbanks became bush and trees where we spotted the occasional Straited Heron and Pied Kingfisher in low bushes and four Fish Eagles perched up at the top of trees. We passed mango trees filled with the juiciest looking mangos and were finally able to sit down and enjoy the cruise as we meandered through the wide channels.


 Upon finally making it back to our initial boat, the tide had now retreated and so we had high muddy riverbank to climb. It was at this point we cut into a juicy watermelon and felt very refreshed by its watery deliciousness. Soon we were off again, heading back to camp and now being dwarfed by the high banks of the mudflats. We saw the Topi again as well as seeing huge footprints sunk into the mud from a supposed Elephant. Now being towards the end of the long day of counting, Albert was in desperate need of some more special dawa, which was the first order of business when we eventually arrived back to camp 12 hours later, with another gorgeous sun set behind us. It was soon dinner time which was an incredible meal of rice and prawns. We all went to bed rather tired after a long day, but this time we didn’t have an early start.  gorgeous sun set behind us. It was soon dinner time which was an incredible meal of rice and prawns. We all went to bed rather tired after a long day, but this time we didn’t have an early start. 


After a relaxed morning Colin, Albert, Dan and I (Jack) left Kirao at the camp to go and complete a small count of birds at the river mouth. It was here that we spotted the highlight of the trip which was a solitary Pomarine Skua which is known as a fierce pirate of the sea due to it often bullying smaller birds and stealing other birds’ fish. Upon our return to camp, we found yet another amazing meal Kirao had prepared us. But obviously a bit annoyed that he had missed highlight of trip, after finishing our lunch and packing up camp, Kirao set off to go and see the bird for himself. Luckily the bird had not flown away and so Kirao was able to return with a successful sighting. Colin later told us that it was around the 15th time an Artic Skua had ever been spotted and recorded in Kenya so quite a significant moment to finish our amazing weekend off. In total over the one and a half days of counts we had recorded 18,880 water birds 


Using citizen science data to learn about long-term changes in Kenyan birds’ range

12 years ago, the Kenya Bird Map set out to map the distribution and status of all Kenyan birds to compare data with the historical atlas data collected in the 1970s. Today, this vision has come true with the Kenya Bird Trends, a new platform visualizing changes in bird distribution patterns across the last 50 years. 

Illustration of the distribution range change of African Palm Swift over the last 50 years. Photo credit: African Palm Swift © Ian Davies / Macaulay Library

Why study changes in bird distribution? 

A lot has changed in Kenya since 1970: the total population quintupled and is increasingly urban, temperatures have warmed, forest cover has dropped from 10 to less than 2%, grasslands and wetlands have shrunk while agriculture has spread. All these changes directly modify the environment and the biodiversity living in it – but how? 

Assessing how biodiversity has evolved in the last 50 years is a complex task: ranked among the top 10 most biodiverse nations in the world, Kenya counts over 35 000 living species, spread across thousands of kilometers!

Birds are known to be good indicators of the health of an ecosystem at large as they rely on a diversity of habitats and food, so studying how birds have changed can be a first step to understand how and to what extent biodiversity has been impacted. 

How did we do it?

Kenya can boast one of the earliest and most comprehensive bird atlases on the continent. Collected between 1970 and 1984 by over 200 volunteers, this national scale endeavor mapped all 1 088 bird species in Kenya. This work provides a baseline against which to measure how birds are doing today.   

Volunteer efforts by citizen scientists are key to monitoring bird populations.

More recently, thousands of citizen scientists are sharing bird observations on a daily basis – centralized on two main platforms: the Kenya Bird Map and eBird. Thanks to all these volunteers, we now have access to a wealth of information which we can use to compare with the historical atlas and draw out the changes that occurred in the past half-century: that’s the power of citizen science!  

For the first time, all this data can be visualized by anyone in an easy, accessible format on the Kenya Bird Trends platform. You can browse data in various ways – either focusing on a specific species and visualizing how its distribution has changed on a map, or zooming in to a specific area to see which species have appeared, remained, and disappeared since 1970. Watch the short video below to learn about the platform:

What did we find? 

Initial analyses have already highlighted several significant trends: all six vulture species, as well as the iconic Bateleur, have experienced drastic losses in their range. The White-headed Vulture’s range tragically shrunk by almost half of its historical range. Conservation measures are already in place to protect and reintroduce these vitally important birds for our ecosystem, chiefly led by the Kenya Bird of Prey Trust.   

Long-distance migrants also did not fare well, and typically lost more range than resident birds (that remain in the country throughout the year). This sadly echoes the reported losses of migrant birds globally, so does not come as a surprise. Indeed, migrant birds tend to be more vulnerable to change as they rely on a lot of different habitats to refuel during their migration journey. Strategically positioned on major migratory flyways, Kenya has an important role to play in providing healthy habitats for the hundreds of thousands of migrant birds that fly over the country twice a year.  

Conversely, introduced species, which typically thrive on urban habitats, have vastly expanded – which comes as little surprise given how much cities have expanded in the last decades. This, however, is not always good news, as is the case of the House Crow, a species introduced to the coast of Kenya in the 1970s and now disturbing both local fauna as well as tourism and agriculture industries. This is why A Rocha Kenya is currently leading a crow control campaign on the coast of Kenya – learn more here

Over to you! 

This platform can be used to directly inform conservation measures across the country, showcasing that data you submit to citizen science platforms has a real impact on protecting birds today! Want to join the Kenya Bird Map initiative? Register here today. 

Already a birder/citizen scientist? 

  1. Use the platform to find out which bird species to look for in your area: Go to Grid view, download a list for your area, and be particularly attentive to the species marked as “Lost” – you may help correct a trend!
  2. Go birding in areas where we’re still missing data! This is all areas with no circles on the map. 

Want to learn more? Check the dedicated scientific publication

This project was brought to life thanks to a collaboration between A Rocha Kenya, the Tropical Biology Association, the National Museums of Kenya, and the Kenya Bird of Prey Trust, with financial support from the UK Government through Darwin Initiative.


Assets corner- Hussein Ali

Story time

Are you ready for an amazing experience? Do you have your favorite cup of coffee to enjoy? How about some calming background music? Find your cozy spot and get ready for an exciting storytime! As we have a sit-down with Hussein, one of the first beneficiaries of the Assets programme.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is Hussein Ali Mdata. I was among the first students to benefit from the Assets programme, joining in 2003 and leaving in 2006. I am now working with the National Treasury as an accountant. While on leave, I have been helping A Rocha Kenya with data entry for the past month.

How was life before Assets?

Honestly, I don’t know how I would have turned out if it weren’t for Assets. If it had not been for assets, I wouldn’t have managed to join high school. After completing my primary education, I passed with flying colours. I was the best student in Mida that year and was called to Malindi High School.

However, since a single stepmother raised me, there was no money to take me to school, and I was forced to stay at home for the first month of school. The only option then was to carry out a fundraising ceremony, which was both challenging and far-fetched. One day, while we were returning home from another not-so-promising lead, my mother sat next to an older man who would later change the direction of my life.

They were making small talk, chatting about the usual things. My mom told him how difficult it was to make ends meet for my school fees. Casually, the older man told my mother about the new Assets programme that A Rocha Kenya had started. Excited and out of options, we visited the Assets offices, then at Gede, and dropped my documents; fingers crossed that I would hear back from them. And I sure did; a week later, A Rocha Kenya came knocking. Finally, there was some hope!

How did Assets change things?

Though I had been called to a more expensive boarding school, the Assets team advised me to switch schools and attend a day school instead since it was more affordable. For all four years of high school, Assets paid 75% of my school fees, and since it was a school just nearby, my mother could clear out the rest of the school fees. She also managed to join Muvera wa Assets (Thank you Assets), a parent group of supported students. Here, she was involved in many conservation activities like tree planting.

It was also through Assets that I learned the importance of conservation. From the Assets camps organized every holiday, I realized why there was an urgent need to look after the environment actively, why careless tree cutting was detrimental, and why planting more trees was necessary. This helped me develop an attitude that would later lead me to establish conservation groups and CBOs (Community-Based Organizations).

How then was life in campus?


I didn’t manage to secure the government support to study my campus life. Since I needed to be close to Ksh 75,000/=, which I couldn’t afford, I had to defer the first year and report the following year. It was the strong attitude that I had gained over the years that kept me moving and hoping. I figured there was someone out there who would once again hold my hand and help me take this next step in my life. I knew that Assets only supported people through their high school, but I had no one else to turn to, so I reached out to them again!

The Assets leadership, led by Stanley, did come through for me again. Even though there was no budget in the Assets kit to support me, together, they organized a fundraising ceremony that raised enough funds to send me to school. 

By the second year, things got tough again, and the government sponsorship was still nowhere to be seen. I had to defer for another year, and Stanley, the head of Assets, had to stand with me again personally! I got government support after I reported back, which made my remaining time on campus smoother. At least I didn’t have to defer again.

Were things better after campus?

Much better!

After graduation, I joined the Assets-graduates internship and training programme- where the Assets’s leadership helped us look for internship opportunities. Through this programme, I was privileged to volunteer with Turtle Bay Beach Club for three months. From there, I volunteered with the A Rocha Kenya accounts department for another three months. A Rocha Kenya helped me secure my first job and put me on the right track that I am on today.

At a personal level, I founded the Mida Marine Conservation Initiative- a CBO that focuses on alternative livelihoods, conservation, and conservation-based agriculture.

What then, would be your closing remarks?

The Assets scheme works! It is necessary, and it changes lives! I am an example. Now, more than ever, we need Assets. The economy is even worse than during my time. There are people like me who still need help and will be lost without Assets. 

I implore even more people to rally behind Assets. If Assets had enough resources, supporting tertiary education wouldn’t be that hard. At the Form Four level, children are still far from obtaining any relevant skills that can help them; they still need Assets. Real empowerment comes from the institutions that come after high school.

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Protecting Dakatcha Nature Reserve: The Unsung Heroes of Conservation

At A Rocha Kenya, the Dakatcha Nature Reserve stands as a testament to our commitment to conservation and biodiversity. However, behind the scenes of this thriving sanctuary are our dedicated scouts—unsung heroes whose relentless efforts play a pivotal role in preserving the reserve’s natural splendor. Let’s dive into the crucial work they do and how it shapes the future of Dakatcha Nature Reserve.

The Role of Our Scouts

Each day, our scouts embark on rigorous patrols across the woodlands of Dakatcha Nature Reserve. Their primary mission is to prevent illegal activities that threaten the area’s delicate ecosystems. Whether it’s stopping poachers in their tracks or monitoring for unauthorized logging, these scouts are the vigilant guardians of our natural heritage.

Their duties also extend to promptly repairing damages and conducting meticulous documentation of the reserve’s rich biodiversity. Every tree, every plant, every creature is cataloged with precision, ensuring that no detail is overlooked in our conservation efforts.

Advanced Training and Tools

Our scouts are equipped with training in SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool), a cutting-edge software designed to enhance real-time monitoring and evaluation. This advanced technology allows them to track various aspects of the reserve’s health and address conservation challenges efficiently.

The SMART system facilitates real-time reporting and data analysis, which is crucial for making informed decisions about conservation strategies. This technology empowers our scouts to manage and protect the reserve with unprecedented accuracy and effectiveness.

Tailored Program for Dakatcha

In our ongoing effort to refine our conservation strategies, we’ve developed a tailored program specifically for Dakatcha Nature Reserve. Central to this program is a specialized app that integrates data collection in English, Swahili, and Giriama—the local language.

This innovative app provides a comprehensive platform for receiving detailed reports on a variety of critical issues:

  • Illegal Poaching Incidents: Immediate notifications help us respond swiftly to any threats.
  • Road Maintenance Needs: Regular updates ensure that infrastructure within the reserve remains in top condition.
  • Noteworthy Observations: Our scouts report on significant findings, such as the nesting habits of the endangered Golden-rumped Sengi.

The Golden-rumped Sengi: A Symbol of Conservation

The Golden-rumped Sengi, a unique and endangered species, symbolizes our conservation efforts. This small, elusive mammal is not only a focal point of our research but also a poignant reminder of why our work matters. Protecting the habitat of the Golden-rumped Sengi is a testament to our broader goal of safeguarding all the diverse life forms that call Dakatcha home.

The Impact of Our Scouts

The dedication and proactive engagement of our scouts are truly commendable. Their tireless efforts significantly contribute to the preservation of the reserve’s natural integrity. Through their vigilance, they embody the spirit of stewardship and care that defines A Rocha Kenya’s mission.

Their work ensures that Dakatcha Nature Reserve remains a sanctuary for biodiversity—a place where flora and fauna thrive, and where the local community and our organization can take pride in the conservation achievements.


The Dakatcha Nature Reserve’s vibrant ecosystems and endangered species owe much of their protection to the unwavering commitment of our scouts. Their daily patrols, advanced training, and use of cutting-edge technology play a crucial role in maintaining the reserve’s health and integrity. At A Rocha Kenya, we celebrate their dedication and recognize the profound impact they have on our conservation efforts. Their work not only safeguards the present but also secures a future where Dakatcha continues to be a beacon of biodiversity and environmental stewardship.



The caring hands of A Rocha Kenya

Creation Care encompasses all

Creation Care is one aspect of our work that cuts through everything that we do. It is the base on which everything stands and the foundation on which we have built everything we do. That means, whether it is the science team going out for bird monitoring, the Environmental Education team welcoming students at our Centre, the finance team balancing accounts, or the Communications team sitting behind a keyboard and writing about it, we are all motivated and linked by one thing, Creation Care!

Creation Care is such a broad term, one that involves many things, done in many different ways. But at its heart, Creation Care is simply man living up to his God-given mandate. Whether that is in their personal life, professional life, or during their vacation days. Conservation is part of Creation Care, which makes us as an organization, solely and deeply rooted in Creation Care.

A sit-down with Stanley

Earlier last week I had a chance to sit with Stanley, our Head of Department for Community Conservation, who has been working with A Rocha Kenya (specifically with the community department) for over 20 years.
Of course, the first question I asked him was what he understood by Creation Care, and his response was simple, ” Creation Care is our God-given responsibility to rule over creation.” Rule? I thought, is such a unique word, and can mean very different things, depending on how it is interpreted. So naturally, I asked him to elaborate a bit on what he meant by “rule over creation”. This is what he had to say, ” By rule, I mean stewardship of God’s creation. It is a responsibility as stipulated in Genesis. Rule in this context means to take care of, not misuse or ignore.

I found that really intriguing. Many people misinterpret the meaning of God giving us dominion over the earth. They see it as permission to misuse and destroy the earth. Read more about that here. 
The other group, and perhaps the most dangerous, is made up of those who feel indifferent about the whole thing. They don’t actively pollute the world, but they also don’t care about what is going on. As long as everything is okay in their lives, then all is good with the world. The elephants can go extinct tomorrow and they wouldn’t mind, because such a thing, doesn’t directly impact them. But from Genesis, we learn, whether it is the Amazon being scorched, the ice caps melting or plastic pollution in the oceans, whatever negatively impacts nature is our business because nature is our business!


For it is written...

Stanley continued expounding his point. ” Man was created specifically for this reason. The privilege of being created in God’s image comes with a responsibility of ruling over creation.

At this point, he stopped and quoted Genesis 1:26-27 which says, “Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

Creation Care in A Rocha Kenya

” The Creation Care project was aimed at arousing that sense of responsibility in the community members. The Dakatcha Woodland was being cleared at an alarming rate for sisal farming and charcoal burning. Besides being an Important Bird Area as declared by IUCN, Dakatcha Woodland is a beautiful part of God’s creation, and it was dying. People were exploiting the resources in an unsustainable way. All this, we believed, was as a result of lack of knowledge. Creation Care was necessary to bring about education and perhaps a change in attitude.”

He continued, ” The truth is that Dakatcha is a hard and dry place. We didn’t blame the community members, they needed to make ends meet. Living in such a place where it is dry, with little rain which can be so unpredictable, presents you with very limited options for survival. That is why, more than just providing knowledge, the question now was how do we help them make ends meet while looking after creation. That is how we introduced Farming God’s Way as an alternative mode of farming and source of livelihood. It enabled the community to look after creation whilst reaping enough to sustain them. “

Community meeting in Dakatcha

What then shall we conclude?

With that, I sighed with relief as I nodded my head in agreement. And then, came his closing remarks, ” There is a deep interdependence between man and creation that is so deep and impossible to overlook. A thriving ecosystem leads to a thriving community. Pollinators (like bees) need a variety of foods to survive and exist, which they get from our gardens and natural plants that haven’t been destroyed. In return, they pollinate our plants and give us food. “

The reality that we often choose to ignore is that nature (creation) can survive without us. But there is no world or frame of existence, where man can survive without nature!

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Inspiring young conservationists to fight for nature

Young minds in conservation

In an age where environmental concerns are at the forefront of global discourse, engaging youngsters in conservation practices is paramount for the preservation of our planet’s biodiversity. Among these practices, bird ringing every Thursday at A Rocha Kenya stands out as a powerful tool for both education and scientific research. Lennox Kirao and Colin Jackson lead this excellent activity.

Bird ringing, a unique practice also known as bird banding in some regions, involves attaching small, uniquely numbered metal or plastic rings to birds’ legs. These rings serve as individual identifiers, a fascinating concept that allows researchers to track birds’ movements, behaviors, and life histories over time. While the scientific insights gained from bird ringing are invaluable, its impact extends far beyond the realm of academia.

Fosters strong connection to nature

Bird ringing materials

Engaging youngsters in bird ringing offers them a unique opportunity to foster a profound connection with nature from an early age. It provides them with hands-on experience in conservation efforts, a rewarding and tangible way to contribute to scientific knowledge. By participating in bird-ringing activities, young people not only learn about the environment but also develop a sense of environmental stewardship and a deeper appreciation for the delicate balance of ecosystems.
One of the most significant benefits of involving youngsters in bird ringing is the opportunity for experiential learning. Instead of merely reading about conservation principles in textbooks, participants actively observe and interact with the natural world. They learn about avian biology, migration patterns, and the interconnectedness of habitats firsthand, instilling a sense of wonder and curiosity that can ignite a lifelong passion for conservation.

Furthermore, bird ringing is not just an individual activity, but a catalyst for collaboration and community engagement. Whether working with local conservation organizations, schools, or youth groups, young bird ringers become part of a larger network of like-minded individuals dedicated to protecting our planet’s avian inhabitants. Through shared experiences and collective action, they develop essential skills in teamwork, communication, and leadership, forging a strong sense of community and shared purpose, laying the foundation for future environmental advocacy.
Beyond its educational and scientific merits, bird ringing also offers a platform for fostering cultural appreciation and environmental stewardship. Many indigenous cultures have rich traditions centered around birds, viewing them as symbols of wisdom, spirituality, and ecological balance. By incorporating indigenous knowledge and perspectives into bird-ringing activities, we can promote cultural diversity and respect for traditional environmental knowledge while advancing conservation goals.

Today's students, tomorrow's leaders

In today’s rapidly changing world, engaging youngsters in conservation practices like bird ringing is more critical than ever. By empowering the next generation with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to become environmental leaders, we can ensure a brighter future for both people and wildlife. Through their efforts, young bird ringers not only contribute to scientific research but also embody the spirit of conservation, proving that small actions can have a big impact on the preservation of our natural heritage. This empowerment of the next generation is a beacon of hope for the future of conservation.

In conclusion, the importance of engaging youngsters in conservation practices like bird ringing cannot be overstated. By nurturing their curiosity, fostering a sense of responsibility, and providing opportunities for meaningful participation, we empower young people to become ambassadors for environmental stewardship. Together, we can inspire a new generation of conservationists who will safeguard our planet for generations to come.

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Two Verreaux’s Eagle-Owls get a second chance.

Duncan and Fred

Two Verreaux’s Eagle-Owls were handed in to Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) Honorary Warden Duncan Mitchell at Vipingo Ridge on 26/05/2024. Duncan has an infectious passion for raptors and has been instrumental in rescuing many birds of all shapes and sizes from a sad fate across the Kenyan coast. He collaborates closely with Fred Okoko, a raptor fanatic who negotiates with villagers not to kill raptors and travels excellent distances day or night to recover raptors. 

Duncan administered first aid upon their arrival, checking the owls’ condition and providing oral fluids to deal with dehydration before they could safely eat. Both birds were severely dehydrated, near starvation, and in total shock from their ordeal. Imagine the stress of going from a quiet, nocturnal life to being tied up and riding on the back of motorbikes in the sun for hours. The owls rested and stabilized sufficiently overnight, so Duncan arranged for Fred to travel to Watamu Raptor Rescue the following morning. There, they received further checks and care from The Kenya Bird of Prey Trust, which provided advice, and A Rocha Kenya, which also supported them.

Indeed, people are afraid of what they don't know

These owls had been trapped and captured by villagers who did not want them around for superstitious reasons and feared they were eating their chicken. They first caught one of the owls and tied it up in an open area near the same trap to attract its mate for later capture. They eventually caught the second owl, and due to rising fear that KWS would intervene, some villagers traveled to Vipingo and handed both owls to Duncan. Although the owls arrived at Duncan’s place in a state of starvation and complete shock, they, fortunately, had no actual injuries, so after treatment for dehydration, they only needed some rest and lots of food to fatten up before release. Photographs received since their arrival suggest that a Spotted Eagle-Owl has unfortunately not been so fortunate, having been killed by a catapult in the same village days later. They fattened up by eating up to 17-day-old chicks between them per night! 

Time to fly

We all quickly developed a soft spot for this beautiful pair of owls. They were always together while being surprisingly gentle and well-mannered despite the mistreatment they had suffered at the hands of people before us. Duncan named this pair Mr & Mrs Smith, which seems fitting if you’ve watched the 2005 action movie where Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt pretend to be an average sweet couple by day but are secretly both assassins by night.  
On 9 June 2024, Roy Bealey, Eric Kinoti (A Rocha), and Fred Okoko traveled to Tsavo East National Park with the owls. With many thanks to coordination by KWS Warden Salim Makomba, they were joined at Sala Gate by CPL. James Ondieki of KWS was taken to an excellent remote release site with large trees bordering the Galana River. The team successfully released the owls in the late afternoon light. We thank Fred and Duncan for their tireless efforts in saving many raptors along the coast, The Kenya Bird of Prey Trust and A Rocha Kenya for their eager assistance, and KWS for helping facilitate this release into a beautiful and safe area where the owls can now live out their lives in peace without the persecution they faced in their old home.   

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The environment is already filled with plastics, what will one less plastic do?

Plastics are everywhere, does the efforts of one person really matter?

One morning, my wife and I were on our way to work, riding through the calm streets of Watamu. As we were passing the surrounding vibandas (kiosks), she mentioned something that I couldn’t get out of my mind for the rest of the day. She really wanted to get some mahamri (a donut, if it was triangular and without a hole) but couldn’t because she was afraid they would use a plastic bag for packaging. At first, that just seemed absurd to hear, since we were literally passing a pile of single use plastics dumped a few centimeters from the road. The whole street, and almost all the other streets in the area, was full of plastics.

My wife, who is an Environmental Education Officer, didn’t seem to notice how ironic her statement sounded or how astounded I looked. Which made me even more curious to hear her reasoning. I mean, why refuse to buy something she really wanted just because they would package it in a plastic carrier bag? The environment was already full of them anyway. Besides, I knew she would dispose of it in the right way- she always segregates the rubbish at home. In addition, we have millions of single use plastics in circulation, and almost everyone I know uses them. I have to admit, it didn’t occur to me what she was hoping to achieve with what seemed like a very feeble effort to me?

Loren's Starfish story

As she took her time to explain, she deepened my understanding and convictions of conservation. It turns out, at the end of the day, conservation isn’t just about the big events, but the small things in our day to day lives. As I sat pondering over her insights, I realized the correlation between what she was saying and Loren Eisley’s Starfish Story. Loren writes;

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?” The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up, and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.” “Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said…” I made a difference for that one.”- From Starfish Story by Loren Eisley

Yes, the efforts of an individual matters

As an individual, I have always held Loren’s story close to the heart. I love how it demonstrates resilience,hope and continuity in the eyes of almost guaranteed defeat. Even when all hope seems lost and all the odds stacked against us, the call is to make the bold step forward and do the next right thing.

To bring this back to the original story. I realized that it was true for me, as it is to most of us, we have in some ways “given up”. We are like that man looking at the many starfish on the beach and thinking, “they are so many, we will never get them all in time, why bother?”. Even though we know that plastics are harmful to the environment, we rarely do anything about it, or worse, won’t stop using them. This is because we think our individual efforts won’t amount to much. And so, we choose to just go with the flow because we believe the earth is doomed anyway, why waste your energy trying to do anything about it?

Our stories vary from person to person and from place to place. Maybe for you, it is the overwhelming number of people in your area using single-use plastics, or maybe it is the excess number of plastics already dumped in the oceans or environment near you, or maybe you live next to a company or know someone who works with a company that produces plastics, or maybe it a combination of two or all the scenarios listed above. The bottom-line is, with the current situation in the world, it is almost impossible not to have a good excuse as to why you have lost hope in conservation.

Saving the world, one plastic bag at a time

But if there is anything I learned from my wife and the boy from Loren’s story, is that every individual effort matters! Standing as an individual and refusing to use single-use plastics matters! It may not seem like much in the eyes of what is going on, but it matters! Taking your own container to the shop to reduce the number of plastics you bring in your home matters! Recycling and re-using the plastics you already have at home matters!

And just like the boy, you don’t have to transform the lives of thousands or everyone in your circle regarding the use of plastics. Even if you manage to change just the attitude of your neighbour, husband or wife, children at home or a friend, that will amount to something. It may take time, and it will, but together, in the long run, we will realize a stabilizing curve in the use of plastics. Imagine if all of us decided to say no to single-use plastics! That is what I learned that morning, that the only guaranteed way of stopping the production of single-use plastics is by stopping to use them altogether. Recycling and re-using will only reduce the number of what is dumped in the environment, but it won’t stop it.

Also, the governments can only do so much. In Kenya for example, the government banned plastic carrier bags in 2017, but they are still in use! Policies can only go so far, really transformation, comes from a changed attitude.

If you started reading this post thinking that your small individual efforts doesn’t amount to anything, I hope you are leaving hopeful and strengthened, knowing exactly the future you are fighting for. Gosh, it is beautiful! And hey, chin up, there is a lot of beautiful souls like you out there doing what you are doing. Refusing to use single-use plastics doesn’t make you an old-timer, it makes you a visionary.

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Camping experience at Dakatcha Woodlands

Along the coastal forest of Kenya, lies Dakatcha woodland, a fragile ecosystem that has been threatened by deforestation. To protect this diverse habitat, A Rocha protects this area through conversation and purchasing of land to be kept as a nature reserve.
Having not studied butterflies and moths before, we were really interested to discover more about these beautiful creatures. Dakatcha was an amazing opportunity to explore more about these species.

On arriving through meandering paths weaving along tapestries of trees and bush, we felt fully immersed in the calm serenity of wilderness. To see the range of different species of butterfly, we put up nets in a wide range of area. As we wandered to set up the traps, we were struck by the natural, unspoilt beauty of Dakatcha. Speckled among the oasis of trees and plants, butterflies gracefully flew in the breeze. A really exciting activity was to collect as many species of butterfly as possible with a sweeping net, which could then be used for identification. The variety of species we collected showed the spectacular biodiversity of this area.

One of our highlights of the trip was watching the striking Sokoke Scopes Owl resting in its second discovered roosting site. After waking up in the peaceful early hours of the morning, we followed the distinctive call of the owl through thickets of woodland, to where it sat peacefully nestled in the tree, its vast, wise eyes calmy staring. An added touch of the enchantment, were the fireflies that sparkled subtly, gently lighting up the darkness of the trees.


At night, in the depths of the peaceful darkness of the forest, we headed down from camp to explore the wetland area for frogs. The moon softly lit up the tranquil, mysterious water. Amid the muddy banks, frogs were scattered around, glistening in the light of our torch.

This experience in Dakatcha was extremely worthwhile as we learnt about how to carry out fieldwork on butterflies and moths. We really enjoyed and appreciated being able to discover another memorising world out there of nature, wildlife and peacefulness. We have left the nature reserve with a greater appreciation for the interconnectedness of the natural world.

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Unraveling Nature’s Mysteries: The Importance of Bird Ringing

Bird ringing, also known as bird banding, is a practice that may seem simple at first glance – attaching tiny bands to the legs of birds. However, its significance stretches far beyond this seemingly mundane task. It serves as a crucial tool in the hands of scientists and conservationists, offering invaluable insights into the lives of our feathered friends and the ecosystems they inhabit. Let’s delve into why bird ringing is so important.

Tracking Migration Patterns

Birds are some of the world’s most remarkable travelers, undertaking incredible journeys across continents and oceans. Bird ringing allows researchers to track these migrations by tagging birds with uniquely numbered bands. When these birds are recaptured or spotted elsewhere, scientists can piece together their routes, timing, and stopover sites. This information is not only fascinating but also vital for understanding migration patterns and identifying areas crucial for conservation.

Monitoring Population Dynamics

The health of bird populations is a key indicator of ecosystem vitality. By banding birds and monitoring their numbers over time, researchers can track population trends, assess breeding success, and identify factors impacting bird populations. Whether it’s a decline in numbers or a surge in a particular species, bird ringing provides essential data for conservation efforts, helping us better protect these avian communities.

Studying Behavior and Ecology

Bird ringing offers a window into the intricate world of bird behavior and ecology. By observing banded individuals, researchers can study various aspects of their lives, such as breeding behavior, habitat use, foraging patterns, and interactions with other species. These insights contribute to our understanding of ecosystem dynamics and help inform conservation strategies aimed at preserving biodiversity.

Advancing Scientific Knowledge

Every banded bird carries with it a wealth of information waiting to be discovered. From lifespan and survival rates to dispersal patterns and migratory connectivity, bird ringing provides data crucial for advancing scientific knowledge in ornithology and related fields. By unraveling the mysteries of bird biology, researchers can address broader questions about evolution, ecology, and the impacts of environmental change.

Supporting Conservation Efforts

At its core, bird ringing is a tool for conservation. The data collected through ringing programs inform habitat management decisions, guide species recovery efforts, and highlight areas in need of protection. By understanding the factors driving population declines or endangerment, conservationists can develop targeted strategies to mitigate threats and safeguard bird species for future generations.

In conclusion, bird ringing may involve something as simple as attaching a small band to a bird’s leg, but its impact is profound. It offers a glimpse into the hidden lives of birds, helping us unravel the mysteries of migration, population dynamics, behavior, and ecology. As stewards of our planet, it is our responsibility to support and promote bird ringing efforts, ensuring that we continue to learn from and protect these remarkable creatures that share our world. This is why A Rocha Kenya is dedicated to conduct Bird ringing sessions every Thursday at Mwamba Field study Centre.