
The unexpected trip that surpassed expectations

It also always fun to have volunteers around Mwamba and have them join in the many activities we are involved in as an organisation. Here is a fascinating story from Hannah, our latest volunteer, about one of the activities she was happy to take part in. This was a journey she will forever be grateful she was bold enough to make. Enjoy!

The unexpected call

“Having been told virtually nothing about where I was going and what I would be doing, my experience at Dakatcha Nature Reserve was nothing but exciting. I was helping in the finance office stapling random things when someone walked in and told me I would be going to Dakatcha the next morning. All I was told was to ‘be ready to leave at 7am. Oh and wear a hat… and lots of sunscreen.’
With Stanley intermittently breaking the silence by yell-singing various reggae songs, he quickly became the entertainment of our road trip. Once the buildings became sparser, the trees more brittle and dispersed, and the rolling dirt hills an increasingly deeper red colour, as we got closer to this mysterious land of Dakatcha that I had constantly heard of yet knew so little about.
The roads became significantly narrower and I increasingly began to question Stanley’s sense of direction, while he continued to relentlessly deny that he was lost. We abruptly took a turn off the main road onto what looked like an animal trail. He was definitely lost! Nevertheless, through the sharp turns and washed out paths, we arrived to what was quite literally the middle of nowhere before Stanley excitedly declared that “we had arrived.”

Let’s get it on

A school bus pulled up shortly after, and a small group of wide-eyed and curious children piled out. It wasn’t long before our environmental education officer Lenah, emerged out of the forest and beckoned for us to follow her into the dry thorny bushes. We carried the bread and water we had brought with us down a small path and gathered underneath the shade of a large tree, where we met a few other educators.

We soon started a nature walk, dodging underneath low-hanging branches, brittle thorny bushes, and far-reaching cacti. What at first looked to me like a dry wasteland of dangerously sharp plants and red dust, soon became an abundant ecosystem filled with complex creatures and plants. We learned about vines that stretch across the expansive desert floor before reaching each other and attaching, creating a bond so strong that even elephants will succumb to their tripwire. We appreciated the adaptability of the desert trees with roots so long they can tap into what little moisture hides meters below the dry sand. We found inch worms disguised as lichen, grasshoppers camouflaged underneath peeling bark, and elegant ladybugs painted in an array of reds and oranges. While walking through the relatively colourless landscape, vibrant pink flowers occasionally scattered the mundane beiges around us.

I walked behind a timid young girl who had found two giant African land snail shells, gently tapping them together to create a melodious echo. We walked together through the weaving trail, silently warning each other of any deviant cactus branches that reached a little too close to our path. I watched as the students so curiously absorbed the ways of the forest around us, gently feeling the various textures of the different plants and excitedly looking into the trees when they heard the slightest sound.

I joined a small group of students for a forest scavenger hunt, getting quietly giggled at as I excitedly exclaimed that I had found a seed before accidentally picking up a rabbit turd. We played a small game where we acted out the lifespan of a tree, from seed, to sprout, to branch, to tree. The children brightly laughed as Stanley swayed in the imaginary wind that these trees are so resilient against.

A time well spent

Throughout my time at A Rocha Kenya, I have curiously yet blindly gone along with whatever was happening (which is how I ended up wading in knee-deep water to ring birds with Colin at 3am when I thought I was going on a ‘camping trip’). I had gotten into the A Rocha truck and immediately asked, “so where are we going?” – and, yet again, I had been wonderfully surprised and amazed to see another way that the A Rocha staff so genuinely cherish their work.

Whether it is the way the ecstatic Hungarian-DJ-slash-butterfly-expert’s eyes lit up while he searched for caterpillars in the bushes next to the supermarket in town, Or the way that Peter the marine biologist excitedly waddled across the beach when I yelled that I had found a puffer fish skeleton, Or the way that Kirao has enthusiastically told me that “today is the day he’s going to catch a Red Capped Robin Chat” as he tirelessly skips into the forest, just as cheerfully as he’s told me every other day of the past month, Or how Colin tilts his head and mutters to himself about how beautiful the 20th plain looking grey bird he’s caught that day is, Or when Queen, the heart and soul of the environmental education program, starts passionately describing how huge the head of lettuce was that a local community member grew through her women’s environmental empowerment side-project, “Kitchen Garden.”

Whether birds, butterflies, fish, lettuce, trees, or even dirt, the people at A Rocha Kenya have taught me to cherish every bit of my surroundings; and through visiting Dakatcha, I was able to see a little bit of that passion passed on to the students I walked through the forest with, in what was much more than the middle of ‘nowhere.’…”


Subdue it isn’t synonymous with exploit it.


As a Christian organisation in conservation, one of the most common questions we are asked by both believers and nonbelievers is: “doesn’t the bible say that we should subdue the earth?” Often, this innocent command is manipulated and misused by many to propagate the harm they are inflicting on the environment. Instead of it being a shield behind which we stand as we aim to take care of God’s creation, it has become a licence that we readily show to anyone who dares question our questionable activities on the creation. But when God said rule the earth and subdue it, he didn’t mean misuse the earth and exploit it.

In Genesis 1 (verse 28), after God has created man, He blesses them“Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over everything.” A closer examination of this statement reveals more than just a blessing, it reveals a job description or a way of life for man. It does not say, “live however you want and do whatever you want”. It says, “you can do everything you want, if it is in the boundaries of this responsibility I have assigned you”. To help us better get the point here, we will look at this in two stages. First we will look at what ruling and subduing the earth isn’t, and finish with what it is.

What it isn’t

To subdue God’s creation does not mean destroying it or using it to our own ends without bearing in mind what we are doing to it in the process. Creation was never made for us! In fact, part of the reason why we were created was to take care of creation. God entrusted His beautiful creation in our hands, asking us to be good stewards of it. His expectation being that we would rise to the occasion and take care of it. Subdue the earth wasn’t an instruction for us to misuse it until we bleed it dry. It was an instruction to nurse it and live under its providence. Subdue the world was never meant to imply destroy everything else on earth until only man is left. On the contrary, it implied tend to the creation imprinting it with that human touch until your good work can be seen in every part of it.

 What it is

Even though the earth wasn’t created solely and primarily for us, God made us stewards over it. He allowed us to use it well for our needs. Working hard to bring everything in it under our dominion (which ultimately is God’s dominion since we are under His dominion). In subduing, we are meant to be working the earth as we continue the wonderful work that God started, bringing form and order into it. Whereas we aren’t supposed to destroy this creation to build our own artificial one, we are supposed to continue developing this one and bringing it to its full potential. In reality, ruling and subduing the earth is more about what we give to the creation and less about what we take from it. Being made a steward of something, doesn’t mean that thing is now ours. It means we have been entrusted to take care of it. Whatever happens to it is our responsibility now.



Ruling the earth and taking care of it is a continuous thing. Something we must do every single day of our lives. That is how it was meant to be, that is how it should be. God asked us to do that, not only that, the symbiotic relationship between our lives and a fit creation demands so. We take care of the earth and through it we get our provisions and a healthy life. That is why things start going really wrong when we upset the system. The problem with taking is that we will take and take until the earth will have nothing more to give. Scratch that, actually it will have something to give, but it won’t be what nourishes and satisfies us, but rather mutilates and kills us.

In everything you are doing today, all I ask is that you take a second and reflect. Are you subduing the earth by filling it with more human touch and bringing everything under the dominion and glory of God as HE intended? Or are you subduing it by choking the very life out of it? At the end of the day, I hope we get to subdue the earth and keep it as God commanded, before the scales tip and the result squeezes the very lives out of us.

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Programme: Microplastics pollution on the sandy beach of Watamu Marine National Park
Subject: Microplastic pollution
Location: Watamu

Microplastics are plastic particles up to 5mm in diameter. In the last four decades,
concentrations of these particles appear to have increased significantly in the oceans.There are two types of sources of microplastics;primary and secondary.Primary sources are manufactured in their micro size such as microbeads used in cosmetics and nurdles that are used as raw materials for plastic products.Secondary sources are formed when larger plastic items break down. Once they are in the environment,animals like fish and shore birds mistake them for food and this causes deaths and habitat destruction. These microplastics have been recorded in twelve out of twenty five most important species and genera that contribute to global marine fisheries and this shows how microplastics are harmful to marine life(Lusher et al., 2017).

Concern about the potential impacts of microplastics in marine environment has gathered
momentum during the past few years. The number of scientific investigations has increased,
along with public interest and pressure on decision makers to respond. At A Rocha Kenya, we
want to quantify microplastics abundance by type, colour and size, develop educational
materials for our environmental education program and establish monitoring protocols to
achieve long term assessment of microplastics pollution on the sandy beach of Watamu Marine National Park and Reserve.

The UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 on Life Below Water includes a specific target on
plastic pollution to which our work contributes.


Coral Reefs

Coral Bleaching in Watamu Marine National Park

Programme: Monitoring bleaching and mortality response of corals in East Africa’s oldest Marine Protected Area
Subject: Coral bleaching
Location: Watamu Marine National Park
Leader: Eric Thuranira

Protecting Coral Reefs

Watamu Marine National Park (WMNP) is one of the oldest no-take Marine protected areas (MPAs) in the world, established in 1968. Since then, the park has been protected against the local human threats like fishing and unsustainable coastal development. However, the coral reefs in the park still face the threat of increasing thermal stress and coral bleaching.

What is bleaching?

Coral reefs are some of the most biodiverse and productive ecosystems on earth. Under
extreme environmental conditions like alteration in the sea surface temperature the intracellular zooxanthellae are expelled by the coral polyp as a stress response which makes it appear white. The white, unhealthy corals called bleached corals become weak and eventually die due to the heat stress.


What does our study show?

Due to the changes in climate, it is expected that these events will become much more common in the future, with many areas expected to get annual severe bleaching events by 2100. The A Rocha Kenya marine team has been studying the coral reef for the last 10 years. During the 2013 and 2016 bleaching events, there were low levels (<10%) mortality for most corals. This gives some hope that Watamu’s corals may be adapting to better cope with heat stress, but as these events were not as hot as 1998, this was not certain.

In 2020, the reefs are bleaching again and the A Rocha team, in partnership with KWS, are
back out on the reef.

A Rocha Kenya marine team has been studying coral reefs in Watamu Marine National Park for
the last 10 years.

We use permanent quadrats, where the same patch of reef is photographed every month during the event, and the fate of each coral is observed from bleaching response to eventual mortality or survival.

Dr Benjamin Cowburn, Cefas, UK Marine Scientist and A Rocha Marine Team member.

Bleached Coral. 

In 2013 and 2016, there was low mortality levels for most corals (<10%). There are hopeful signs.

Coral Monitoring

Our marine team led by Peter Musila and joined by Benjamin Cowburn who helped initiated the Marine program At A Rocha Kenya, diligently took up the regular coral monitoring activity during October 2023. In their 70 permanent plots they have over 600 tagged corals that are revisited every 6 months since 2020, to see how the corals are growing, if there are bleaching resistant colonies and if baby corals (recruits) are settled in the plots.

Our Marine team is concerned about coral bleaching with the predicted El-Nino marine heatwave, due to arrive in April this year. They plan to increase monitoring of the plots every month through the warm water season, to closely monitor any bleaching and mortality that occurs. The corals experienced bleaching in 2020, but many survived. If we can identify colonies that are resistant again in 2024, these will make good candidates for coral gardening and reef restoration, currently being planned and approved by Kenya Wildlife Service.    

Why protect the corals? Coral reefs are some of the most diverse and valuable ecosystems on Earth. Coral reefs support more species per unit area than any other marine environment, including about 4,000 species of fish, 800 species of hard corals and hundreds of other species. Scientists estimate that there may be millions of undiscovered species of organisms living in and around reefs. This biodiversity is considered key to finding new medicines for the 21st century. Many drugs are now being developed from coral reef animals and plants as possible cures for cancer, arthritis, human bacterial infections, viruses, and other diseases. 



Dakatcha Nature Reserve provides a protected area for the Sokoke Scops Owl, Golden-rumped Elephant-shrew, and other precious inhabitants of the Dakatcha Woodland.

It also offers an opportunity for communities around the reserve to engage in habitat protection and restoration, and provides sustainable income-generating activities.

Subject: Forest conservation  |  Location: Kenya coast

Dakatcha Woodland KBA is critical forest for the conservation of 13 IUCN Red Listed species. It is currently being cleared for charcoal and agriculture at an alarming rate. A Rocha Kenya is purchasing land to create a Nature Reserve and safeguard this indigenous forest and its threatened wildlife.

Africa’s smallest owl, the Sokoke Scops Owl occurs only in three places in the world – one of them being a 10 x 4 km patch of forest in the Dakatcha Woodland Key Biodiversity Area.

But this forest is unprotected and as a result is being cut down for charcoal, timber and pineapple plantations. We are buying land to save the forest from being destroyed and create the A Rocha Dakatcha Nature Reserve.

Join us at this critical point in the Sokoke Scops Owl’s story and save their home! One acre of land costs $350 / Ksh 35,000 to secure. Donate via GoFundMe, M-Changa or A Rocha International.

For more details on our Nature Reserve and land purchase strategy, please read our Conservation Strategy.

Join our campaign to save the forest! Donate now:

Bank account name:
A Rocha Kenya Mwamba Centre
Bank: Absa Kenya
Account number: 0121008254
International Swift code:  BARCKENX

GoFundMe: Here
M-CHANGA: Click here

A Rocha International:

Forest Facts

Size of the forest: 1,800 km2

Conservation status: designated a Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) by BirdLife International and
forms part of the East African Coastal Forests Hotspot defined by Conservation International.

Habitat: Dakatcha Woodland is located about 150 km north of Mombasa and 25-50 km inland
from the coast. It covers an area of 465 070 acres, of which 32% is forest, 17% is woodland,
and 50% has been converted to farming or open grazing land. Dakatcha lies within the Northern
Zanzibar-Inhambane Coastal Forest Mosaic ecoregion and East African Coastal Forest Hotspot,
characterised by a complex mix of moist and drier forest with coastal thicket, savanna
woodlands and swamps. The Woodland itself is a diverse mosaic of different forest types,
savannah and seasonal wetlands.

Notable wildlife: 13 Red Listed species, including four that IUCN classify as Endangered: the
Sokoke Scops Owl Otus ireneae, Clarke’s Weaver Ploceus golandi, the Sokoke Pipit Anthus
sokokensis and the Golden-rumped Elephant-shrew Rhynchocyon chrysopygus.
Dakatcha Woodland is part of the Coastal Forests of Eastern Africa, among the 10 most
threatened forest hotspots in the world which supports one of the highest densities of endemic species in the world.

Threats to the forest

The fragmented Coastal Forests of Eastern Africa are among the ten most threatened forest
hotspots in the world, and the Dakatcha IBA is listed as an IBA in Danger, with a very high
threat score and a low action score. At a regional level, the pressure on land is intensifying as
population increases, small holders and industrial agricultural expand, and coastal urban
developments multiply.

The growing local population depends on the forest resources for their energy, construction
needs, food and livelihoods. As a result, deforestation and poaching of wildlife, including the Golden-rumped Sengi, are rife. Brachylaena huillensis trees have almost disappeared due to selective harvesting for the wood carving industry, and the timber from large hardwood trees (e.g. Newtonia hildebrandtii) is sold in coastal towns.

Agriculture is the main economic activity for local communities, making land their most valuable asset. Pineapples have become an important source of income for local farmers because they grow particularly well on the red soils. Local regulations give little consideration to the immense pressure placed on the forest, and poor farming methods leave the soil exposed for erosion.

The pressure on the land was compounded by the start of land adjudication in the area in
September 2020. This has set off an unprecedented rush of people land purchasing for farms
closely linked to charcoal burning that is decimating the forest and destroying the home of the
rare and endangered wildlife. The easy availability of power saws to cut trees for charcoal and
motorbikes to transport charcoal to Malindi has exasperated the situation further.

At site level, agricultural expansion, unregulated logging, rampant charcoal burning and the
expansion of commercial pineapple plantations are rapidly destroying and degrading what is left of the unique forest habitat.

With easy access to chainsaws and motorbikes to transport charcoal, forest clearing has
intensified in recent months, and this indigenous forest is being burnt down at an alarming rate.
We must act now, before it is too late!

Where we work and our training

In Kenya, A Rocha has worked with communities in several parts of the country with projects in
Nairobi, Kajiado and Kilifi Counties. Currently, our focus is in the Dakatcha Woodlands north and
inland of Malindi, and around Arabuko-Sokoke Forest. Training involves taking time through
churches to teach about what the bible says regarding caring for the environment after which a two-day training in the actual FGW method is carried out.

This covers the following topics:

  • The Biblical perspective of farming and creation care.
  • Ecological Interactions (Trees, birds, butterflies, ants, worms and their role in the farm)
  • Principles and practice of
  • Farming God’s Way
  • Natural ways of controlling pests and diseases
  • Natural ways of boosting soil fertility including composting, liquid fertilizers, fertilizer trees among others
  • Energy-saving at the household level

The focus in Dakatcha revolves around the A Rocha Dakatcha Nature Reserve which we are
creating to protect globally threatened species and habitat – in particular the Sokoke Scops Owl and Golden-rumped Sengi (also known as an elephant-shrew). Baseline biodiversity surveys are being carried out by the A Rocha research team while at the same time our community and environmental education team are working with the adjacent communities using the churches and schools as a gateway to reach farmers and families to teach them FGW and overall care for the environment and hopefully stop the destructive practices of charcoal burning and unsustainable logging for timber.


Since this is an ongoing project, regular updates are send out reporting the progress, struggles and general updates on the project. Follow us on our Social Media handles: Facebook, Instagram and X to keep up with the updates we share every after two weeks.

In addition, quarterly reports are available and they can be accessed here.

Our Partners

Our efforts of buying land in Dakatcha has only been a success because of the amazing support from our partners. We say THANK YOU!

Clickable images can be found on our main partners page, here.



Beyond the white sands and coral reefs of the Malindi-Watamu coastline, lies Arabuko-Sokoke Forest (ASF) and Mida Creek. Arabuko-Sokoke Forest is the largest remnant of a dry coastal forest which originally stretched from Somalia down to Mozambique. It, therefore, contains an unusually high number of rare and endemic species, including one Globally Endangered and five Globally Threatened bird species. Mida Creek harbours important mangrove forests with a high diversity of species. It is of international importance for some of the waterbird species it supports, is a key spawning ground for several fish species and a feeding ground for young turtles. This makes it one of the most important regions for conservation in mainland Africa, and Mida together with Arabuko-Sokoke Forest have therefore been designated as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

However, the future of these coastal habitats hangs in the balance. Every day a number of direct threats face the forest and creek, in particular illegal logging, poaching, over-fishing and pressures for land-clearance.

The Malindi-Watamu coastline is one of Kenya’s main tourist attractions, generating money and income from arguably the world’s largest industry. However, local people have benefited very little from the international interest in the area.

For this reason, A Rocha Kenya established the Arabuko-Sokoke Schools and Ecotourism Scheme (Assets) in 2001 with funding from the United Nations Development Programme Global Environmental Facility and in conjunction with the Kenya Wildlife Service, the Kenya Forest Service and the Ministry of Education, Malindi & Kilifi Districts.

The project provides eco-scholarships for secondary school children living adjacent to Arabuko-Sokoke Forest and Mida Creek. The project also helps to protect the environment as all beneficiaries take part in conservation activities including tree planting, snare removal from the forest and environmental education.

Funds are generated for the eco-bursaries through the local tourist industry (hotels and travel agents), national and international donors (including tourists), and the eco-tourism facilities developed by A Rocha Kenya and its partners at Mida Creek

In depth article on Assets

Arabuko-Sokoke Schools and Ecotourism Scheme(Assets)

Through the provision of secondary school scholarships, the Arabuko-Sokoke Schools and
Ecotourism Scheme (ASSETS) meets the economic and social needs of the local community,
whilst promoting the conservation of two of Africa’s most important ecosystems.

Leader: Patrick

The project
To address the current situation, where both the forest and the surrounding human communities are fighting for survival, A Rocha Kenya established the Arabuko-Sokoke Schools and Ecotourism Scheme (ASSETS) in 2001 with funding from the United Nations Development
Programme Global Environmental Facility and in conjuction with the Kenya Wildlife Service, the
Kenya Forest Service, NatureKenya and the Ministry of Education, Malindi & Kilifi Districts.

The project awards Eco-bursaries for secondary education to students living adjacent to
Arabuko-Sokoke Forest and Mida Creek and have attained average of 300 marks and above
out of a possible 500 in their national primary school final examinations.

The project also helps to protect the environment (hence the term Eco-bursary) as all
beneficiaries agree to take part in conservation activities, including tree planting and
environmental education.

Funds are generated for the Eco-bursaries through the local tourist industry (hotels and travel
agents), national and international donors (including tourists) and the Eco-tourism facilities
developed by A Rocha Kenya and its partners at Mida & Gede Ruins.

Turtle Bay Beach Club in Watamu has played an important role in the support of the scheme
through raising funds for bursaries. Several other hotels send their guests to visit the bird hide at Mida and encourage donations.

One of the major projects has been the construction of a 260 metre suspended walkway

situated some 20 km south of Malindi, towards Mombasa. The walkway meanders through the
mangrove forest at Mida to a bird-hide which looks out over Mida Creek. The boardwalk was
launched in July 2003 and over 4,000 international and local tourists use it per year. The
proceeds from visitors have contributed to the ASSETS bursaries. To date, ASSETS supports
up to 10 schools and the beneficiaries are attending or have attended over 30 different
secondary schools around the country, including one of the top national schools in Nairobi. A
good number of ASSETS beneficiaries have managed to graduate and get jobs as teachers, in
the hotel industry, police force, IT etc.

In addition to the bursary fund, work is also taking place with local communities to develop
sustainable forms of income generation. The Mureva wa Assets program is one such example
where parents and guardians of the beneficiaries are trained on tree nursery management.

Other programs include training local tourist guides and building Ecotourism facilities such as
the tree platform in Gede Ruins which now needs a complete makeover.

At A Rocha, we recognize that as community members benefit from the surrounding habitats,
they will grow to value, and in turn, protect them.

ASSETS – a story of hope
This film introduces ASSETS (Arabuko-Sokoke Schools and Ecotourism Scheme) as a best
practice holistic approach to tackling forest conservation.
Stanley and Colin took us into the forest and taught us the names of the forest birds. I thought
the birds were so beautiful and interesting. I decided then that I would like to become a
birdwatcher, and be involved in the work of conserving them and their habitats.

Looking ahead …

By the year 2020, ASSETS aims to be supporting over 1,100 students from all the 36 schools
within a 5 km radius of Arabuko-Sokoke Forest and Mida Creek. With this number of families
directly benefiting from the forest and creek, there is enormous potential for attitudes to radicallychange regarding these habitats and to foster a care and concern for their protection instead of the hostility that currently is so prevalent.

The ASSETS scheme has been shown to be making a real difference in the lives of children and families around Arabuko-Sokoke and Mida. It is also having a real impact on the conservation of these sites. However it can only succeed with support from others.
We invite you to join us in helping both these children to get an education and at the same time
to conserve one of Africa’s most precious forests and wetlands – it only costs $52 / €46 / £39 per month to put a child through secondary school with ASSETS.
Donate now and find out more about the Arabuko-Sokoke Schools and Ecotourism Scheme by
visiting the ASSETS website.

Stories from the ASSETS beneficiaries.


The ASSETS eco-bursary scheme has sponsored close to 800 students in the past 20 years, and we have witnessed some really encouraging stories! Today we zoom in on one of the beneficiaries whose life was transformed in a great way through ASSETS. I had a little chat with him, and here is what he had to say about the program.

Thoughts on the program

“My name is Lennox Kirao, and I became part of the ASSETS program in 2005 and graduated from the program in 2008. Even before this, I was exposed to the program while I was still in primary school. My interest was picked when the Environmental Education officer from A Rocha Kenya visited our primary school and taught us about the environment and conservation matters.

Since I live on the border of the Mida-Creek and Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, I have seen the destruction being done to these forests by my community. These environmental awareness sessions were therefore informative and transformative to say the least. They played a huge role even in the career decision I made. Since most of those who came to create awareness in my community and school were mostly considered ‘outsiders’, the impact they made was minimal. I therefore felt that if I took up the role, then my people would at least pay attention to me, their own son. This is what pushed me into pursuing Environmental Science in the University.”

Kirao equipping a Mangrove Kingfisher with a geolocator tracking device, and educating his family about the wonders of migration at the same time!


Life without ASSETS

”If it were not for ASSETS, I don’t know if I would have been able to join secondary school. In fact, I had to skip a whole year since I couldn’t afford school fees. I was supposed to join High School in 2004 but ended up joining in 2005 because of financial constraints. With a little help from my brother I was admitted in school and ASSETS ended up supporting me for the whole four years. This was both a huge relief and blessing. Were it not for ASSETS, I wouldn’t have been able to reach this far.
Conservation-wise, ASSETS really shaped me. Because of it I wanted to be part of the conservation voice that people could listen to, turn their greedy kind of life and be educated on other ways of benefiting from the environment without destroying it.”

Kirao during one of the surveys on the whale island.


Even after joining University, Kirao always came back to volunteer with A Rocha Kenya during every break he had. He worked as an intern with ARK in 2014 and joined as a full staff in 2015. Almost 10 years later, he is serving as the Research Scientist for A Rocha Kenya. Through his efforts and hard-work in the science department, we have been able to achieve a lot as an organisation. He has been of great help within his community and with other local communities, as far as conservation is concerned. Even as he helps us push the conservation agendas of the organisation forward, we hope that this platform helps him achieve his personal conservation goals. That he will continue to achieve what he set out to be: a voice in his community that his own people will listen to!

Kirao setting camera traps in our Dakatcha Nature Reserve


Farming God’s Way

Project: Farming God’s Way    Project Leader: Vincent Onono       Location: Dakatcha and Kuvuka

Any farmer will tell you how the soil in a field where the forest has recently been cleared from it is more fertile and productive than a field that has been farmed for several years. FGW seeks to bring back principles found in a natural forest ecosystem that allows the soil to not just retain fertility but even increase over time.

Three principles of Conservation Agriculture

Taking the three basic principles of Conservation Agriculture of zero tillage, mulching and
rotation of crops, and building on these using biblical principles that are also relevant to all walks of life, FGW becomes a tool that is now being widely used across Africa and is producing
remarkable results.

If you think about it, in a forest there is:

1. No disturbance of the soil (= zero tillage),
2. a thick layer of dead leaves etc on the soil surface (= mulching) and
3. amazing diversity of species (= rotation of crops).

God, as the ‘first farmer’ in the Garden of Eden, brings additional principles to the way we should farm – e.g. farming on time: in creation, we see incredible timing that God has put there – from the daily rhythm of day and night and all the associated biorhythms of insects, flowers, birds and animals, to the seasons and the Infinitesimal precision of the rotation of the planets around the sun… etc etc. This means that when farming, we need to take special note of planting on time, weeding in good time etc – in fact those teaching FGW across Africa say the single largest reason for hunger in Africa is farmers wait for the rain to come before they plant… thus planting late.

Train and empower the community

A Rocha is taking the above and several other biblical principles and applying them within the FGW teaching to train and empower community members living in often real hardship
conditions to be able to obtain better productivity from their farms and in so doing learn to
respect and care for the rest of God’s creation around them.

A Rocha, therefore, sees FGW as an innovation that not only focuses on increased food
production but also addresses issues of biodiversity conservation. We look to include within the
FGW training teaching about planting indigenous trees, leaving part of your land fallow for other
parts of God’s creation to flourish in such as butterflies, other insects, flowers, birds and animals and the value of biodiversity not only for agriculture (e.g. pollinators) but in itself as God’s creation which he made with a purpose and which ultimately belongs to him.

Where we work and our training

In Kenya, A Rocha has worked with communities in several parts of the country with projects in
Nairobi, Kajiado and Kilifi Counties. Currently, our focus is in the Dakatcha Woodlands north and
inland of Malindi, and around Arabuko-Sokoke Forest. Training involves taking time through
churches to teach about what the bible says regarding caring for the environment after which a two-day training in the actual FGW method is carried out.

This covers the following topics:

  • The Biblical perspective of farming and creation care.
  • Ecological Interactions (Trees, birds, butterflies, ants, worms and their role in the farm)
  • Principles and practice of
  • Farming God’s Way
  • Natural ways of controlling pests and diseases
  • Natural ways of boosting soil fertility including composting, liquid fertilizers, fertilizer trees among others
  • Energy-saving at the household level

The focus in Dakatcha revolves around the A Rocha Dakatcha Nature Reserve which we are
creating to protect globally threatened species and habitat – in particular the Sokoke Scops Owl and Golden-rumped Sengi (also known as an elephant-shrew). Baseline biodiversity surveys are being carried out by the A Rocha research team while at the same time our community and environmental education team are working with the adjacent communities using the churches and schools as a gateway to reach farmers and families to teach them FGW and overall care for the environment and hopefully stop the destructive practices of charcoal burning and unsustainable logging for timber.

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Fundamentals of Ornithology

Fundamentals of Ornithology – a course for bird guides and birders. Ornithology Department, National Museums of Kenya, A Rocha Kenya, Tropical Biology Association and NatureKenya (the EANHS).

The Course

Fundamentals of Ornithology course fieldtripStarted in 1996 by Leon Bennun (at the time Head, Ornithology Dept, NMK) and Colin Jackson (working at the Ornithology Dept prior to starting A Rocha Kenya), &lsquo;Fundamentals of Ornithology&rsquo; or FoO, is a course designed for birders (both professional and amateur) who want to improve their understanding of birds and their skills in the field.

Birding and bird tourism are growing apace in Kenya and East Africa. Many companies now have specialist units devoted to bird watching safaris, and numerous hotels and lodges have employed resident naturalists. Many people are also discovering bird watching as an educational and enjoyable pursuit. The Important Bird Area programme has also led to a steady increase in the number of local groups with an interest in birds and their conservation over the last few years. 

Njoro &amp; Chege – course leadersMany bird guides and birders are very good at identifying the birds they are used to seeing. However, to be an effective guide, and to make the most of one&rsquo;s birding, a deeper understanding is required. &lsquo;Fundamentals of Ornithology&rsquo; aims to give individuals a grasp of the principles behind bird identification and a sound knowledge of bird biology, thus giving them the capacity for learning more independently. 

Four key conservation institutions: the Ornithology Department of the National Museums of Kenya, A Rocha Kenya, the Tropical Biology Association and NatureKenya (the East Africa Natural History Society), work together to deliver the annual FoO course that is held at the Elsamere Field Studies Centre, Naivasha. Current lecturers on the course include Colin Jackson (A Rocha Kenya/NMK), Anthony Kuria (TBA), Dr Peter Njoroge (NMK), Titus Imboma (NMK), Kariuki Ndang&rsquo;ang&rsquo;a (BirdLife Africa), Chege wa Kariuki (freelance guide / NK), Simon Thomsett (NMK &ndash; East Africa&rsquo;s leading raptor conservationist), Don Turner (author of Birds of Kenya &amp; northern Tanzania).

Course Content

Watching European Hobbies in Hells Gate NP‘Fundamentals of Ornithology’ is an intensive, fully residential course based at the Elsamere Field Studies Centre on the shores of Lake Naivasha. Elsamere provides a comfortable environment and an ideal setting for an ornithological course. Wetland, grassland, savannah and forest habitats are within easy reach for practical field sessions. 

The Lake Naivasha ecosystem is also renowned for a wide diversity of local and migrant bird species. Ringing demonstrationTeaching is in English through illustrated lectures (including discussion sessions and short practical exercises), group seminars, demonstrations and field practicals. We try to create an informal environment where participants can share their existing knowledge and learn from each other as well as from the course instructors. 

Participants can expect to gain the following knowledge and skills:

  1. Reliable identification techniques that can be applied anywhere;
  2. A solid general knowledge of bird evolution, classification, behaviour and ecology;
  3. A good overview of the distribution and conservation requirements of birds in Kenya and East Africa;
  4. A better understanding of the interests and needs of bird watching visitors;
  5. The ability to give visitors interesting, detailed and well-rounded background information on birds seen anywhere in the country;
  6. An enhanced sense of professionalism and confidence.

Topics covered include: • birding field craft and ethics • evolution and classification • scientific names • habitat and distribution • identification: parts of a bird; finding the right family; making descriptions and taking field notes; calls; submitting records; using bird guides; wetland, forest and grassland birds • migration and movements • flight, feathers and physiology • feeding strategies • breeding behaviour • bird ringing • habitats and conservation.