The ASSETS eco-bursary scheme has sponsored close to 800 students in the past 20 years, and we have witnessed some really encouraging stories! Today we zoom in on one of the beneficiaries whose life was transformed in a great way through ASSETS. I had a little chat with him, and here is what he had to say about the program.
Thoughts on the program
“My name is Lennox Kirao, and I became part of the ASSETS program in 2005 and graduated from the program in 2008. Even before this, I was exposed to the program while I was still in primary school. My interest was picked when the Environmental Education officer from A Rocha Kenya visited our primary school and taught us about the environment and conservation matters.
Since I live on the border of the Mida-Creek and Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, I have seen the destruction being done to these forests by my community. These environmental awareness sessions were therefore informative and transformative to say the least. They played a huge role even in the career decision I made. Since most of those who came to create awareness in my community and school were mostly considered ‘outsiders’, the impact they made was minimal. I therefore felt that if I took up the role, then my people would at least pay attention to me, their own son. This is what pushed me into pursuing Environmental Science in the University.”

Kirao equipping a Mangrove Kingfisher with a geolocator tracking device, and educating his family about the wonders of migration at the same time!
Life without ASSETS
”If it were not for ASSETS, I don’t know if I would have been able to join secondary school. In fact, I had to skip a whole year since I couldn’t afford school fees. I was supposed to join High School in 2004 but ended up joining in 2005 because of financial constraints. With a little help from my brother I was admitted in school and ASSETS ended up supporting me for the whole four years. This was both a huge relief and blessing. Were it not for ASSETS, I wouldn’t have been able to reach this far.
Conservation-wise, ASSETS really shaped me. Because of it I wanted to be part of the conservation voice that people could listen to, turn their greedy kind of life and be educated on other ways of benefiting from the environment without destroying it.”
Kirao during one of the surveys on the whale island.
Even after joining University, Kirao always came back to volunteer with A Rocha Kenya during every break he had. He worked as an intern with ARK in 2014 and joined as a full staff in 2015. Almost 10 years later, he is serving as the Research Scientist for A Rocha Kenya. Through his efforts and hard-work in the science department, we have been able to achieve a lot as an organisation. He has been of great help within his community and with other local communities, as far as conservation is concerned. Even as he helps us push the conservation agendas of the organisation forward, we hope that this platform helps him achieve his personal conservation goals. That he will continue to achieve what he set out to be: a voice in his community that his own people will listen to!
Kirao setting camera traps in our Dakatcha Nature Reserve