Conservation has never been sweater
Did you know you can bountifully reap from your efforts to conserve the environment? Climate change is no longer a theory in our books, it is a reality whose ramifications have shelved hunger in our homes. Its effects have forced us to chop down our forests and threatened endemic species of flora and fauna. But in the face of all of this we have managed to structure resilient systems that are geared towards sustainable use of Dakatcha woodland, which has been hit particularly hard.

One step at a time, we will make it
Concerted efforts from A Rocha Kenya, African Bee Keepers Ltd(ABL) and the community in Dakatcha has birthed bee keeping in this threatened habitat. With the trainings offered by ABL and the awareness on environmental conservation by A Rocha, the drumbeats are changing and the practical involvement of the community members has been lucid. The community has started appreciating the importance of pollinators especially bees. In addition, many have started taking personal initiatives towards conservation. Take for example these ten women from Danisa(village in Dakatcha) who took a personal initiative to plant thirty indigenous trees in their homes!

We can hear the buzzing
In this pilot phase, we have selected fifteen farmers across Dakatcha, given each of them four hives and placed another twenty hives in the A Rocha Kenya Dakatcha Nature Reserve. Forty-two of these have already been colonized despite setting traps when swarming had already occurred. We thank God for this. This buzzing is restoring hope in farmers, they are now starting to see the value of trees beyond charcoal burning.