Eyes on the prize

7Am sharp on Sunday morning (21st of May) found 74 of Kenya’s top riders at the starting line, ready for race. Every single one of them, young and old, earnestly looking at the Ksh. 50,000 cash prize money that lay waiting at the end of the 74KMs for the winner. Who was man/woman enough to ride on the tarmac, get through the winding paths of Watamu, climb the hilly countryside of Mijomboni, descend and ascend the valleys of Jilore, beat the sandy paths right in the heart of Arabuko-Sokoke Forest and finally come cruising through the beautiful mangroves all the way to the finishing line?
And not to mention the heat that is so typical to the Kenyan coast! With our youngest rider at 15 years old and oldest at 55, we all waited eagerly to see who would emerge as the alpha of the team.

The fast and furious

The fast and furious 8, as we later came to call them, comprised of young energetic men who had eyes on nothing but the prize. I wish you could see them move; they never slowed down! Whether it was up the hills or down the valleys, whether the sand was too much or they bodies were covered in sweat, they still moved!

These first 8 broke away from the rest of the team as soon as we were done with the neutral zone (the tarmac). The number did drop slightly drop from 8 to 6, who served us to a wonderful sprint finish, crossing the line within seconds of each other. Here is how close it was, 02:39:19, 02:39:20, 02:39:21, 02:39:22, 02:39:23 and 02:39:24. Man that was a close one! They all had an average speed of 26.36kmph

Hilly countryside of Mijomboni
A few metres from the finishing line

Ladies in the house

Even though the race has grown over the years, that isn’t reflected in the number of ladies who attend. We did have our first truly international woman attending in the race (from South Africa) but that only raised the number of ladies participating in the race to 7. Even the alluring 110k cash prizes didn’t do much in increasing the numbers. But Dadarides did their thing as usual, with Sally, who was third in the previous year emerged as number one for the ladies (27 general) at 03:16:36.

Sally at the finishing line

About the family fun ride

As usual, we had a Family fun ride on Saturday, a day before the main event. The Family fun ride brings families together, provide an opportunity for parents to bond with their kids as they enjoy a ride together. In addition, it gives us a platform to create awareness about conservation to the young people. All 16 kids who took part in the race all received certificates at the end their 16km ride.

Work well done girl
Look at those beautiful smiles
Let's go dad

Thank you for making it happen

All in all, the race was wonderful. A big thank you to our partners who made all this possible. Our gold partners, Lordship Africa, who have been on our side from the very first year until now. We celebrate you! Kericho gold, our silver partners, thank you for sponsoring the t-shirts and water bottles printing. You guys are legends.

A big thank you to Turtle Bay Beach Club and more especially to Shafiq…your inputs planning, and dedication was one of the key pillars that saw this race through. And to all our other partners Ocean Sports, Coca-Cola, Tropical Heat and other partners, we say thank you. Thank you to our wonderful marshals who stood for hours on the road just to make sure that our riders don’t get lost along the way. And last and not least, thank you to our amazing riders who made this MTB Challenge, a Challenge.

Thank you much